If there is one prayer that you should pray/sing every day and every hour, it is the LORD's prayer (Our FATHER in Heaven prayer)
It is the most powerful prayer. A pure heart, a clean mind, and a clear conscience is necessary for it.
- Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka

For in GOD we live, and move, and have our being. - Acts 17:28

The Joy of a Teacher is the Success of his Students. - Samuel Chukwuemeka

MAT-130: Module 6 Exam

Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka (SamDom For Peace)

(1.) Probability
(2.) Combinatorics


NOTE: Module $6$ exam covers the contents from Module $5$ homework and Module $6$ homework
Students may also use technology to solve the questions on Combinatorics.
To use Technology to solve Combinatorics problems, please view the video

Students will:
(1.) Apply the rules of probability.
(2.) Compute the probabilities of events using the classical method.
(3.) Interpret the probabilities of events using the classical method.
(4.) Compute the probabilities of events using the empirical method.
(5.) Interpret the probabilities of events using the empirical method.
(6.) Solve applied problems on the probabilities of events.
(7.) Compute the conditional probabilities of events.
(8.) Apply the Fundamental Counting Principle.
(9.) Determine the number of permutations of items.
(10.) Determine the number of permutations of total items taking some items at a time.
(11.) Determine the number of combinations of total items taking some items at a time.
(12.) Solve applied problems on combinatorics.

Answer all questions.
Show all work.
Wherever applicable, use at least two methods (two or more methods).
Students can decide whichever method they prefer.

(1.) Rachel tossed a coin $100$ times and obtained $75$ heads and $25$ tails.
Based on these results, determine the probability that the next flip results in a head.
Round your answer to two decimal places as needed.

$ Let: \\[3ex] head = H \\[3ex] tail = T \\[3ex] S = \{75H, 25T\} \\[3ex] n(S) = 100 \\[3ex] n(H) = 75 \\[3ex] P(H) = \dfrac{n(H)}{n(S)} \\[5ex] P(H) = \dfrac{75}{100} \\[5ex] P(H) = 0.75 \\[3ex] $ The probability that the next flip results in a head is $0.75$
(2.) In February $2019$, about $13.1\%$ of United States adults have an advanced degree. - United States Census Bureau
An advanced degree includes Master's, Professional and Doctoral degrees.
Determine the probability that a randomly selected U.S adult has an advanced degree.
Type an integer or decimal.

$ Let: \\[3ex] Advanced\:\:Degree = A \\[3ex] P(A) = 13.1\% = \dfrac{13.1}{100} \\[5ex] P(A) = 0.131 \\[3ex] $ The probability that a randomly selected U.S adult has an advanced degree is $0.131$
(3.) Assume that: randomly selected $579$ police records of larceny thefts in the Town of Rough and Ready, California in a certain year are listed below:

Type of Larceny Theft Number of Offenses
Pocket picking $6$
Purse snatching $7$
Shoplifting $120$
From motor vehicles $201$
Motor vehicle accessories $85$
Bicycles $35$
From buildings $117$
From coin-operated machines $8$

(a.) Construct a probability model for type of larceny theft.
Round your answers to three decimal places as needed.

(b.) Are pocket-picking larcenies unusual?

(c.) Are larcenies from buildings unusual?

Type of Larceny Theft Number of Offenses Probability
Pocket picking $6$ $\approx 0.010$
Purse snatching $7$ $\approx 0.012$
Shoplifting $120$ $\approx 0.207$
From motor vehicles $201$ $\approx 0.347$
Motor vehicle accessories $85$ $\approx 0.147$
Bicycles $35$ $\approx 0.060$
From buildings $117$ $\approx 0.202$
From coin-operated machines $8$ $\approx 0.014$
$\Sigma Offenses = 579$ $\Sigma Probability \approx 1$

$ (b.) \\[3ex] P(Pocket\:\:picking) = 0.010 \\[3ex] 0.010 \lt 0.05 \\[3ex] $ Pocket-picking larcenies are unusual because the probability of pocket picking larceny is less than $5\%$ ... Usual and Unusual Events

$ (c.) \\[3ex] P(From\:\:buildings) = 0.202 \\[3ex] 0.202 \gt 0.05 \\[3ex] $ Larcenies from buildings are not unusual because the probability of a larceny from a building is greater than $5\%$ ... Usual and Unusual Events
(4.) The sample space of a probability experiment is:

$S = \{5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16\}$

Events $A$ and $B$ are:

$ A = \{6, 7, 8, 9, 10\} \\[3ex] B = \{12, 13, 14, 15\} \\[3ex] $ Assume that each outcome is equally likely.

(a.) List the outcomes in $A\:\:AND\:\:B$.

(b.) Are $A$ and $B$ mutually exclusive?

$ AND \implies \cap \\[3ex] (a.) \\[3ex] A \cap B = \{\} \\[3ex] A \cap B = \phi \\[3ex] n(A \cap B) = 0 \\[3ex] P(A \cap B) = 0 \\[3ex] $ Events $A$ and $B$ are disjoint events because they do not have any common outcome.
Events $A$ and $B$ are also mutually exclusive events because they cannot occur at the same time.
(5.) Assume events $C$ and $D$ are mutually exclusive.

$ P(C) = 0.25 \\[3ex] P(D) = 0.48 \\[3ex] P(C\:\:OR\:\:D) = ? \\[3ex] $

$ OR \implies \cup \\[3ex] P(C) = 0.25 \\[3ex] P(D) = 0.48 \\[3ex] P(C \cup D) = P(C) + P(D) - P(C \cap D)...Addition\:\:Rule \\[3ex] P(C \cap D) = 0 ...Mutually\:\:Exclusive\:\:Events \\[3ex] \rightarrow P(C \cup D) = 0.25 + 0.48 \\[3ex] P(C \cup D) = 0.73 \\[3ex] $ The probability that events $C$ OR $D$ will occur is $0.73$
(6.) There are seven green marbles, three brown marbles, and eight red marbles in a bag.
Cornelius randomly selects a marble from the bag.
Determine the probability that he selected a green OR brown marble.
Round to three decimal places as needed.

$ OR \implies \cup \\[3ex] Let: \\[3ex] green = G \\[3ex] brown = B \\[3ex] red = R \\[3ex] S = \{7G, 3G, 8R\} \\[3ex] n(S) = 7 + 3 + 8 \\[3ex] n(S) = 18 \\[3ex] n(G) = 7 \\[3ex] P(G) = \dfrac{n(G)}{n(S)} \\[5ex] P(G) = \dfrac{7}{18} \\[5ex] n(B) = 3 \\[3ex] P(B) = \dfrac{n(B)}{n(S)} \\[5ex] P(B) = \dfrac{3}{18} \\[5ex] P(G \cup B) = P(G) + P(B) - P(G \cap B) ...Addition\:\:Rule \\[3ex] \underline{Single\:\:pick} \\[3ex] P(G \cap B) = 0 ...Mutually\:\:Exclusive\:\:Events \\[3ex] \rightarrow P(G \cup B) = \dfrac{7}{18} + \dfrac{3}{18} - 0 \\[5ex] P(G \cup B) = \dfrac{7 + 3}{18} \\[5ex] P(G \cup B) = \dfrac{10}{18} \\[5ex] P(G \cup B) = \dfrac{5}{9} \\[5ex] P(G \cup B) = 0.555555555556 \\[3ex] P(G \cup B) \approx 0.556 \\[3ex] $ The probability that Cornelius will select a green OR brown marble in a single pick of a marble from the bag is $0.556$
(7.) The probability that a randomly selected $3-year-old$ Great Dane will live to be $7$ years old is $0.98156$

(a.) Determine the probability that two randomly selected $3-year-old$ Great Danes will live to be $7$ years old.

(b.) Determine the probability that eight randomly selected $3-year-old$ Great Danes will live to be $7$ years old.

(c.) Determine the probability that at least one of eight randomly selected Great Danes will not live to be $7$ years.

(d.) Would it be unusual if at least one of eight randomly selected Great Danes did not live to be $7$ years old?
Round all applicable answers to five decimal places as needed.

$ Let: Great\:\:Dane\:\:lives\:\:to\:\:be\:\:7\:\:years = L \\[3ex] \implies Great\:\:Dane\:\:does\:\:not\:\:live\:\:to\:\:be\:\:7\:\:years = L' \\[3ex] P(L) = 0.98156 \\[3ex] P(L) + P(L') = 1 ...Complementary\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(L') = 1 - P(L) \\[3ex] P(L') = 1 - 0.98156 \\[3ex] P(L') = 0.01844 \\[3ex] (a.) \\[3ex] P(LL) = (0.98156)(0.98156) ...Multiplication\:\:Rule\:\:for\:\:Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(LL) = 0.9634600336 \\[3ex] P(LL) \approx 0.96346 \\[3ex] (b.) \\[3ex] P(LLLLLLLL) = (0.98156)^8 ...Multiplication\:\:Rule\:\:for\:\:Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(LLLLLLLL) = 0.861657784 \\[3ex] P(LLLLLLLL) \approx 0.86166 \\[3ex] $ (c.)
We can solve this in two ways - Multiplication and Addition Rules and the Complementary Rule

First Method - Multiplication and Addition Rules
At least $1$ implies $1$ OR More
This means that the first dog will not live to be $7$ years old AND the seven other dogs (second through the eighth) will live OR the second dog will not live AND the first dog, the third dog, the fourth dog through the eighth dog will live, OR the first and second dog will not live AND the third dog through the eighth dog will live OR ....and it keeps going on...
This is a Herculean task.
So, we shall solve it using the second method.

Second Method - Complementary Rule
Event: at least one dog will not live ($1$ or more dogs will not live)
Complementary Event: All dogs will live (all eighth dogs will live)

$ P(LLLLLLLL) = 0.861657784 \\[3ex] (c.) \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:L') = 1 - P(LLLLLLLL) \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:L') = 1 - 0.861657784 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:L') = 1 - 0.861657784 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:L') = 0.138342216 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:L') \approx 0.13834 \\[3ex] (d.) \\[3ex] 0.13834 \gt 0.05 \\[3ex] $ It is not unusual if at least one of eight randomly selected Great Danes did not live to be $7$ years old because the probability that at least one of eight randomly selected Great Danes will not live to be $7$ years is greater than $5\%$ ... Usual and Unusual Events
(8.) A cheese can be classified as either raw-milk or pasteurized.
Assume $88\%$ of cheeses are pasteurized.

(a.) Two cheeses are selected at random. Determine the probability that both cheeses are pasteurized.

(b.) Four cheeses are selected at random. Determine that all four cheeses are pasteurized.

(c.) Determine the probability that at least one of four randomly selected cheeses are raw-milk.

(d.) Is it unusual that at at least one of four randomly selected cheeses is raw-milk?

$ Let:\:\:Pasteurized\:\:cheese = P \\[3ex] Let\:\:Raw-milk\:\:cheese = R \\[3ex] \implies NOT\:\:Pasteurized\:\:cheese = P' \\[3ex] P(P') = P(R) ...Based\:\:on\:\:the\:\:Question \\[3ex] P(P) = 88\% = \dfrac{88}{100} = 0.88 \\[5ex] P(P) + P(P') = 1 ...Complementary\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(P') = 1 - P(P) \\[3ex] P(P') = 1 - 0.88 \\[3ex] P(P') = 0.12 \\[3ex] P(R) = 0.12 \\[3ex] (a.) \\[3ex] P(PP) = (0.88)(0.88) ...Multiplication\:\:Rule\:\:for\:\:Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(PP) = 0.7744 \\[3ex] (b.) \\[3ex] P(PPPP) = (0.88)(0.88)(0.88)(0.88) = 0.88^4 ...Multiplication\:\:Rule\:\:for\:\:Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(PPPP) = 0.59969536 \\[3ex] P(PPPP) \approx 0.5997 \\[3ex] $ (c.)
We can solve this in two ways - Multiplication and Addition Rules and the Complementary Rule

First Method - Multiplication and Addition Rules
At least $1$ implies $1$ OR More
At least one of four cheeses is raw-milk means that $1$ or more is not pasteurized

This means that the first is raw-milk AND the second, third, and fourth are NOT: $(RPPP)$, OR

the first and second are raw-milk AND the third and fourth are NOT: $(RRPP)$ OR

the first, second, and third milk are raw-milk AND the fourth is NOT: $(RRRP)$ OR

all four are raw-milk $(RRRR)$ OR

the first is NOT raw-milk AND the second, third and fourth are: $(PRRR)$ OR

the first and second are NOT raw-milk AND the third and fourth are: $(PPRR)$ OR

....and it keeps going on and on and on...
This is a Herculean task.
So, we shall solve it using the second method.

Second Method - Complementary Rule
Event: at least one cheese is raw-milk ($1$ or more milk containers are raw-milk)
Complementary Event: All cheeses are pasteurized (all cheeses are NOT raw-milk)

$ P(PPPP) = 0.59969536 \\[3ex] (c.) \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) = 1 - P(PPPP) \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) = 1 - 0.59969536 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) = 0.40030464 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) \approx 0.4003 \\[3ex] (d.) \\[3ex] 0.4003 \gt 0.05 \\[3ex] $ It is not unusual if at least one of four randomly selected cheeses is raw-milk because the probability that at least one of four randomly selected cheeses is raw-milk is greater than $5\%$ ... Usual and Unusual Events
(9.) In the field of Finance, an example of a derivative is a financial asset whose value is derived from a bundle of various assets, such as mortgages.
Assume a randomly selected mortgage in a certain bundle has a probability of $0.18$ of default.

(a.) Determine the probability that a randomly selected mortgage will not default.

(b.) Determine the probability that five randomly selected mortgages will not default assuming the likelihood any one mortgage being paid off is independent of the others.
NOTE: A derivative might be an investment that only pays when all five mortgages do not default.

(c.) Determine the probability that the derivative from part (b.) becomes worthless...that is the probability that at least one of the mortgages defaults.
Round to four decimal places as needed.

$ Let: \\[3ex] Default\:\:mortgage = D \\[3ex] No\:\:default\:\:mortgage = D' \\[3ex] P(D) = 0.18 \\[3ex] (a.) \\[3ex] P(D) + P(D') = 1 ...Complementary\:\:Rule \\[3ex] P(D') = 1 - P(D) \\[3ex] P(D') = 1 - 0.18 \\[3ex] P(D') = 0.82 \\[3ex] (b.) \\[3ex] P(D'D'D'D'D') = 0.82 * 0.82 * 0.82 * 0.82 * 0.82 ...Multiplication\:\:Rule\:\:for\:\:Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(D'D'D'D'D') = 0.82^5 \\[4ex] P(D'D'D'D'D') = 0.3707398432 \\[3ex] P(D'D'D'D'D') \approx 0.3707 \\[3ex] $ (c.)
We can solve this in two ways - Multiplication and Addition Rules and the Complementary Rule

First Method - Multiplication and Addition Rules
At least $1$ implies $1$ OR More
At least one of the five mortgages defaults means that $1$ or more mortgages defaults

This means that the first mortgage defaults AND the second, third, fourth, and fifth does NOT: $(DD'D'D'D')$, OR

the first and second mortgages defaults AND the third, fourth, and fifth does NOT: $(DDD'D'D')$ OR

the first, second, and third mortgages defaults AND the fourth and fifth does NOT: $(DDDD'D')$ OR

the first, second, third,a nd fourth mortgages default AND the fifth does NOT: $(DDDDD')$ OR

all five mortgages defaults $(D'D'D'D'D')$ OR

the first does NOT default AND the second, third, fourth and fifth defaults: $(D'DDDD)$ OR

the first and second does not default AND the third, fourth, and fifth defaults are: $(D'D'DDD)$ OR

....and it keeps going on and on and on...it is much work

So, we shall solve it using the second method.

Second Method - Complementary Rule
Event: at least one mortgage defaults ($1$ or more mortgages defaults)
Complementary Event: All mortgages do NOT default

$ P(D'D'D'D'D') = 0.3707398432 \\[3ex] (c.) \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:D) = 1 - P(D'D'D'D'D') \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:D) = 1 - 0.3707398432 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) = 0.6292601568 \\[3ex] P(at\:\:least\:\:R) \approx 0.6293 \\[3ex] $ The probability that at least one of the mortgages defaults is $0.6293$
(10.) Assume that for the month of October in presumably the coldest place in the State of Minnesota, Town of Embarrass, Minnesota (would it be an embarrassment to live there? ☺), $72\%$ of the days are cloudy.
In that same month, $58\%$ of the days are cloudy and foggy.

Determine the probability that a randomly selected day in October will be foggy if it is cloudy?
Round your answers to three decimal places as needed.

$ Let: \\[3ex] Cloudy\:\:day = C \\[3ex] Foggy\:\:day = F \\[3ex] P(C) = 72\% = \dfrac{72}{100} = 0.72 \\[5ex] P(C \cap F) = 58\% = \dfrac{58}{100} = 0.58 \\[5ex] P(F | C) = ? \\[3ex] P(F | C) = \dfrac{P(F \cap C)}{P(C)} ...Conditional\:\:Probability \\[5ex] P(F | C) = \dfrac{0.58}{0.72} \\[5ex] P(F | C) = 0.805555556 \\[3ex] P(F | C) \approx 0.806 \\[3ex] $ The probability that a randomly selected day in October will be foggy if it is cloudy is $0.806$
(11.) The number of driving fatalities in the Town of Accident, Maryland (was this town formed by accident or do accidents frequently occur there?) in a certain year by age for male and female drivers are listed in the table below:

Male Female
$\boldsymbol{Under\:\:16}$ $155$ $116$
$\boldsymbol{16-20}$ $5548$ $2127$
$\boldsymbol{21-34}$ $11,712$ $4640$
$\boldsymbol{35-54}$ $11,498$ $5218$
$\boldsymbol{55-69}$ $5772$ $2469$
$\boldsymbol{70\:\:and\:\:over}$ $3324$ $1577$

(a.) Determine the probability that a randomly selected driver fatality who was male was $55$ to $69$ years old.

(b.) Determine the probability that a randomly selected driver fatality who was $55$ to $69$ years old was a male.

(c.) Is a victim of a fatal accident aged $55$ to $69$ more likely to be male or female?

Round all applicable answers to three decimal places as needed.

$ Let: \\[3ex] Driver\:\:aged\:\:55-69 = D \\[3ex] n(D) = 5772 + 2469 = 8241 \\[3ex] Male = M \\[3ex] n(M) = 155 + 5548 + 11712 + 11498 + 5772 + 3324 = 38009 \\[3ex] n(M \cap D) = 5772 \\[3ex] (a.) \\[3ex] P(D | M) = \dfrac{n(D \cap M)}{n(M)} \\[5ex] P(D | M) = \dfrac{5772}{38009} \\[5ex] P(D | M) = 0.151858770 \\[3ex] P(D | M) \approx 0.152 \\[3ex] (b.) \\[3ex] P(M | D) = \dfrac{n(M \cap D)}{n(D)} \\[5ex] P(M | D) = \dfrac{5772}{8241} \\[5ex] P(M | D) = 0.700400437 \\[3ex] P(M | D) \approx 0.700 \\[3ex] (c.) \\[3ex] 0.700 \gt 0.5 \\[3ex] $ The victim of a fatal accident aged $55$ to $69$ years old is more likely to be a male driver because the probability that a randomly selected driver fatality who was $55$ to $69$ years old was a male is greater than $50\%$
(12.) Two cards are randomly selected from a standard deck of $52$ cards.

(a.) Determine the probability that the first card is a spade and the second card is a spade if the sampling is done without replacement.

(b.) Determine the probability that the first card is a spade and the second card is a spade if the sampling is done with replacement.

Round your answers to three decimal places as needed.

$ n(S) = 52 \\[3ex] Let\:\:spade = P \\[3ex] n(P) = 13 \\[3ex] P(P) = \dfrac{n(P)}{n(S)} \\[5ex] P(P) = \dfrac{13}{52} \\[5ex] (a.) \\[3ex] Without\:\:Replacement \implies Dependent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(PP) = \dfrac{13}{52} * \dfrac{12}{51} ...Multiplication\:\:Rule \\[5ex] P(PP) = \dfrac{1}{17} \\[5ex] P(PP) = 0.058823529 \\[3ex] P(PP) \approx 0.059 \\[3ex] (b.) \\[3ex] With\:\:Replacement \implies Independent\:\:Events \\[3ex] P(PP) = \dfrac{13}{52} * \dfrac{13}{51} ...Multiplication\:\:Rule \\[5ex] P(PP) = \dfrac{1}{4} * \dfrac{1}{4} \\[5ex] P(PP) = \dfrac{1}{16} \\[5ex] P(PP) = 0.0625 \\[3ex] P(PP) \approx 0.063 $
(13.) Determine the number of different simple random samples of size $4$ that can be obtained from a population of size $52$

This is a case of Combination because the samples can be obtained without regard to order of selection

$ _nC_r = \dfrac{n!}{(n - r)!r!} \\[5ex] For\:\: _{52}C_4 \\[3ex] n = 52 \\[3ex] r = 4 \\[3ex] _{52}C_4 = \dfrac{52!}{(52 - 4)! 4!} \\[5ex] _{52}C_4 = \dfrac{52!}{48! 4!} \\[5ex] _{52}C_4 = \dfrac{52!}{48! * 4!} \\[5ex] _{52}C_4 = \dfrac{52 * 51 * 50 * 49 * 48!}{48! * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1} \\[5ex] _{52}C_4 = 13 * 17 * 25 * 49 \\[3ex] _{52}C_4 = 270,725 \\[3ex] $ $270,725$ different simple random samples of size $4$ can be obtained from a population of size $52$
(14.) Balls numbered $1$ to $24$ are placed in an urn for a lottery.
To win the lottery, one must match the five balls chosen in the correct order.
Determine the number of possible outcomes for the lottery.

This is a case of Permutation because the five balls must be matched in the correct order (the order of arrangement is important)

$ _nP_r = \dfrac{n!}{(n - r)!} \\[5ex] For\:\: _{24}C_5 \\[3ex] n = 24 \\[3ex] r = 5 \\[3ex] _{24}C_5 = \dfrac{24!}{(24 - 5)!} \\[5ex] _{24}C_5 = \dfrac{24!}{19!} \\[5ex] _{24}C_5 = \dfrac{24 * 23 * 22 * 21 * 20 * 19!}{19!} \\[5ex] _{24}C_5 = 24 * 23 * 22 * 21 * 20 \\[3ex] _{24}C_5 = 5,100,480 \\[3ex] $ The number of possible outcomes for the lottery is $5,100,480$ outcomes
(15.) $A$ and $B$ are events.

$ P(A) = 0.4 \\[3ex] P(B | A) = 0.5 \\[3ex] $ Determine $P(A\:\:AND\:\:B)$

$ AND \implies \cap \\[3ex] P(B | A) = \dfrac{P(B \cap A)}{P(A)} \\[5ex] P(B \cap A) = P(A \cap B) \\[3ex] P(B | A) = \dfrac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)} \\[5ex] \dfrac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)} = P(B | A) \\[5ex] P(A \cap B) = P(B | A) * P(A) \\[3ex] P(A \cap B) = 0.5 * 0.4 \\[3ex] P(A \cap B) = 0.2 $